Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls - Book illustrations

Rose Stories gave me the chance to illustrate three wonderful women for the Dutch version of the bestselling book Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. The book tells the stories of 100 inspiring Dutch women. I chose to portray feminist Wilhelmina Drucker, astronomer and chemist Ewine van Dishoeck and speed skater Ireen Wüst.

Bedtijdverhalen voor Rebelse Meisjes was be published on march 8th 2021, international women’s day!


Wilhelmina Drucker

Wilhemina Drucker (1847-1925) was a writer and politician and one of the first Dutch feminists. The feminist movement 'de Dolle Mina's' was named after her. 


Ireen Wüst

Ireen Wüst became the most successful speed skating olympian ever by achieving at least one gold medal in each of five consecutive Winter Olympic appearances


Ewine van Dishoeck

Ewine van Dishoeck is a Dutch astronomer and chemist. She has gained recognition for her pioneering work in researching molecules in space.